• Welcome to Open Courses!

    This Moodle site is hosted through Thompson Rivers University and aims to:

    • Make learning accessible: anyone can sign up for an account and browse the available courses
    • Advance open pedagogy: new Moodle courses can be created or existing Moodle courses can be imported to be accessible by a wider audience 

    Navigating Open Courses

    There are two ways to navigate the site:

    1. You are currently viewing the site with “guest access” which means you can preview the content in some courses. 
    2. You can create an account to enroll in open courses or be enrolled in specific courses

    Create a Course

    Would you like to create a new Moodle course or import an existing Moodle course on Open Courses to be accessible by a wider audience? 

    • If you already have a profile here please Login and fill in the course request form by clicking the Requesting a Course link in the footer to have a new course created for you. 
    • If you do not have a profile please create one by clicking the Login link to find the Create new account button. Once your account has been confirmed you can successfully fill in the course request form by clicking the Requesting a Course link in the footer.
    • If you have a Moodle backup file you want to restore into a new or existing course please email learningtech@tru.ca.